Кореспондиращ автор: Зорница Василева ( drvass@abv.bg ) Академик редактор: Пенчо Кратунков © Зорница Василева, Анна Кънева. Това е статия отворен достъп разпространява под условията на Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), която позволява използване без ограничения, разпространение, и възпроизвеждане на всякакъв носител, при условие на оригиналния автор и източник са кредитирани. Цитат:
Василева З, Кънева А (2022) Eхокардиографски параметри за разграничаване на балансираните от дебалансираните форми на пълния атриовентрикуларен септален дефект. Българска Кардиология 28(1): 84-101. https://doi.org/10.3897/bgcardio.28.e81005 |
Corresponding author: Zornitsa Vassileva ( drvass@abv.bg ) Academic editor: Pencho Kratunkov © Zornitsa Vassileva, Anna Kaneva. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Citation:
Vassileva Z, Kaneva A (2022) Echocardiographic parameters for differentiation of balanced from unbalanced forms of complete atrioventricular septal defect. Bulgarian Cardiology 28(1): 84-101. https://doi.org/10.3897/bgcardio.28.e81005 |
The diagnosis of complete atrioventricular septal defect (CAVSD) relies completely on echocardiography. Different measurements can be used for the differentiation of the balanced from the unbalanced forms of the defect but each of them has limitations and cannot be applied separately. There is no established algorithm ensuring precise classifi cation of the CAVSD as balanced or unbalanced, especially in borderline forms. Based on a protocol, including measurements of a series of echocardiographic parameters used by other investigators, we have managed to identify 4 measurements which when applied in a predictive model allow for correct determination of the form of the CAVSD in 97% of the cases. These parameters are: infl ow angle right ventricle/left ventricle, left atrioventricular valve infl ow, atrioventricular valve index, and ratio between the long axes of the two ventricles.